Escape from Drama: The Case for Simplicity in Marketing

May 20, 2024

If Emma Lazarus was a marketer and lived today, I think her famous poem would end like this:

"Give me your overhyped, your news-bloated,
Your screen-fried masses yearning for peace.
The wretched refuse of post-Covid man
Send these, the drama-weary, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp towards the simple and calm"

I know that these days, I crave simplicity. Straightforward honesty. Less pretense, more substance.

And that is why I was instantly captivated by the winner of a brand I featured in my LinkedIn series BattleOfBrands..

This winner had spare, authentic text. Clean, easy-on-the-eye visuals. The whole site just left me feeling calm and trusting.

Strong brand voice doesn't mean hilarity, wit, or excitement.

All it means is that there is a consistent thread running through every aspect of your marketing that represents the core of your company and resonates with your target market. In this battle between Studio Neat and Grovemade you'll meet a brand that has mastered strength through simplicity.

Want to find your fans, so you can stop chasing sales?

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Chavy Helfgott © 2024